About Us
End Poverty Uganda
As a short name for the official registered name: "End Poverty For Young Adults Uganda" under the Uganda Registration services bureau holds a transformational vision: A Poverty-Free Society.
We embarked on this collective journey of action against the tyranny of poverty with a goal of Transforming Lives
Our Strategies and projects are designed to stimulate massive action in our local communities and individuals to take bold and transformative steps towards economic success for everyone regardless of their different background.
We are resolved to free our society from the darkness of poverty in all its forms and greatly strengthen individual involvement in wealth creation especially through the young, most energetic population of our society and women as our ambassadors to at least one million homes/families in Uganda; as partners and beneficiaries in our programs.
Through our financial programs, Education projects, Agriculture and investment. SMES, Empowerment and Advocacy we believe poverty will be a word of the past.
Welcome to End Poverty Uganda.
Our Projects
We are also known for;

Basic Needs Support Projects
We strongly believe, the hierarchy of needs, starts with fulfilment of basic needs of life. No one thinks of investment when they are not sure of where their next meal will come from or where they will sleep at night.
Therefore in our short and long term strategies, we are determined to ease access to basic needs for everyone to spark national development and individual prosperity.

Urbanisation Projects
Every nation develops with productive villages and very vibrant cities. Our programs ensure both. (Industrialization)

SMEs Empowerment
Promoting and Empowering small and medium sized enterprises is one of our key strategies to ensure our vision of poverty free society.
Head Office
Bukoto 1, Kampala-Uganda.
At the Junction of kampala International school
Phone: +256 200-9067888
Email: endpovertyuganda@gmail.com